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I'd like to know what you think about my web site. Please leave your comments in this public guest book so I can share your thoughts with other visitors.
CommentsThis was interesting.....if i didn't know you ,I'd still think it was cool...Now I want to fix the car to see the progress....I Did'nt even realize how many car's you had.....should've mentioned the "Nova" and that motor but....... another page......I wanted To See The rest of the car's and stuff...very good!!!
CommentsGOOD LUCK mm
CommentsRene, I think this site is great, it's kinda cool to look back at how the years have passed and remember each of these cars. God, I remember the day you bought your truck. All I have to say is have fun with your new project and I will be looking forward to seeing what you are going to do with this car. I am sure it's gonna turn out pretty awesome.
Commentsvery cool...i LOVE classic cars but i have no clue how to restore them...i want a dodge dart
CommentsRene, Good luck and congratulations! I hope you have a lot of fun with it. Take me for a ride when you are done! Vanessa
CommentsWhat about the ninja?
CommentsRemember when I lost my virginity in the back of the "Gutless Cutlass?" You should add a picture of the back seat just for old times sake. Sandy
CommentsWho's Sandy? I thought I was the only one you made love too in the "Gutless Cutlass"! BOB
Commentsnice website renee. You sure do have alot of free time! erica
CommentsHi Rene, Nice site. I will follow your progress. The Impala SS was as great an example of a Detroit iron coupe of the mid 60's as any. But calling it a classic is stretching it a bit. In any case. it represents a period when style was king- before bumper and smog laws. As such, it is still from a simpler time when the world was a bit less complicated and the term politically correct had not yet come about. Have fun with your project, Uncle Jim
CommentsNice site Rene. Nice comments Al. John
CommentsHi Rene! I'm very impressed with your web page, but I'm wondering how the hell you had the time to buy, fix up, and sell so many varied and sundry vehicles! Love, Aunt lu CommentsAunt LU....Rene get's his time and money from the great company he works for 5 hours a day, 3 days a week, rain or shine....now snow is a different matter!!!
CommentsNeed some info. I just got a 1965 impala convertible. Me and my uncle are going to fix it up. Do you know how many 65 convertible,s where made? I never seen a 65 convertible at no car show,s in TX. Please e-mail me back with info. At JLOFAMILY2001@aol.com
Commentshey nice start; have fun; i recently "cheated "and bought a 1965 ss impala, is 98% complete, but i still get to put a few touches to it. android.
CommentsFirst Of All ....Al Owned That Car For Half His Life....I Brought the car At 17 Years Of Age 17 years ago Bucko
CommentsI Sold You Those Rim's Two Day's After The Car..........
CommentsHi Rene, I really like your web page, I'm in the middle of restoring a 1966 Impala. It's been so much fun these past few months with this car. If you would like some pictures for your web site, email me at mhus943@aol.com, I'll gladly give some pictures. Good Luck with your Impala, David Huskins
CommentsRene, I'm CONSIDERING restoring a 66 Impala 2-door hard top. I'm not sure how to approach it "philisophically" though. I've found that the SS is a desirable car - but noone seems to care nearly as much about the 2 door standard. Do I put the effort into "restoring" this car or do a build it the way I want to. Which approach makes the most sense to you?
CommentsTo the previous comment I understand your dilema. I too had the same issue to debate with myself. I have come to the decision to customize and not restore. Restoration is costly and time consuming. Customization seems to be more realistic and can show your personalization. But if you have plenty of money to throw away then why not restore.
CommentsActually I have a question about the impala,what type of motor is in that?
Commentsdoes the impala do hydralics?????????????
CommentsGood Luck on your project.My wife and I have (3) 66 Impalas.If you have any questions or need parts drop us an email at txturbo@spdway.net
Commentshi rene, i also have a '66 ss. my car is a factory 396 car with factory disc brakes. does your car have disc? this is my third 66 and this is the only one with disc and is the reason i bought it. im just wondering if this is rare. love your site. e-mail-slinksbody@netscape.net
CommentsHello , My name is Ed Martin and I also have a '66 Impala SS . But I also have 6 other cars ranging from a 1939 Ford to a 1970 Chevelle SS 396. I thought that you might know of somebody looking for a 66 SS . My number is (540)654-5119. My E-mail address is iggyz70@hotmail.com. I'm asking 3500.00. Thanks and good luck with your 66.
CommentsI liked the way you did your webb site. Great Job! I have a question reqarding the tires you put on your car. Did you keep the 14 size rim diameter? What tire did you end up putting on the car (size specifications)?
CommentsRene, I am another '66 impala fan. In the late '80's I collected many of these cars hoping to someday restore a '66 ss big block convertable. Well, that never happened because I got married and had 4 kids. However, I still have all the parts, manuals, factory assembly prints etc. If you need anything you can email me at pje254@mindspring.com Good luck, Paul
CommentsWhat engine do you have, 4 speed or Auto. Nice find Wally Berry wallyberry01@yahoo.com
CommentsHey how are you? I like your car. It is similar to my dads. He has a 1966 Chevy Impala also. It is in great shape. He bought the car brand new right out of the show room. It has a 327 V-8 with a Muncy 4 Speed transmition. THe car has 130,000 original miles and the engine was rebuilt at 100,000. THe trans. has never been touched. It is a nice ride. Just thought i'd share. Good luck with yours. Thanks. Joseph JosephandSarah@msn.com
CommentsRene, You are very brave! What a project. I am looking at a 66 Impala SS to purchase right now, but quite a bit has already been done to the car. It is ready to drive. I couldn't do what you have done! Good luck. Marie
CommentsThanks for all the questions and coments. Keep them coming. The car came with a 283, but now has a 66 vette 327 and turbo 350 tranny. The rims are 15 inch. The car does not have hydraulics and will not be getting any. I am currently at a stand still right now. There is so much rust around the back window that I can no longer put the window back in the car and I am having a problem finding a place willing to do the repair work. Thanks again Rene
Commentsgood luck on the restoration of your Impala i have a 66 impala"'ss" convertible myself and am going to do a frame off restoration on mine I love how you have all your former cars on your site as well cool firebird i also had one a 92 and loved it
CommentsNice website. If any of you know of where any more Impala websites are please E-Mail me. I know someone fixing up a `66 Super Sport. We need parts pages. Hopefully ones where we can get a catalog mailed too us. Thanks MsSweetyPie19@Yahoo.Com
CommentsCan these rims get any bigger to fit on a RAM1500
CommentsCheck out my '72 at http://www.stillruns.com
CommentsI am a tripod member and how do you get those things on the navagation bar?
Commentshey dude I juat stumbled on to your site by accident. How strange you come from nyc. Even stranger Flushing. I grew up there around Kissina Park, between the cemetery and the golf course. I used to own a 66 just like yours mine was rust colored u might have seen it around years ago in the early 90's before I moved to Maine. e-mail me and I'll send you pics of the car before&after.Hope to hear from you, seni799@aol.com
CommentsHow did u get those really nice looking things on your navigation bar?, you know on the left hand side, i am a tripod member, and I would be obligated if you could email me back to tell me how!, by the way my dad has a 66 Imapala also, there beautiful aren`t they! Get back to me soon! (firstclassmusic1.tripod.com) - (firstclassmusic@hotmail.com)
CommentsGood luck with your project,Iused to own a 66 SS with the 327 L79 375hp 4Speed.A good source for parts is Yesteryear chevy or Classic Chevy International both located in Flordia. I look forward to seeing your car progress. I'm loking for another project myself anthony
Commentsdo you need black door panals or any glass bumpers ect. i am parting out a 66 impala , jimmy littleton co. 303 730 3113
CommentsRene i have just ran into a 66 impala but no motor or tranny:( i think it would be a great car but i dont know if its worth it. how much are they worth? and where can i find parts? its been sittin for a long time because it has a tree growing through its front clip. please reply,david (mullenz@hotmail.com
CommentsI'm curious as to how far you intend to gon in redoing the Impala, i.e. customization or bring it back to original as from the factory. I would prefer the latter. Using a flash fill when taking your photos would help immensly in seeing the details. P.S. Quite a resume. Not sure how a "techie" got into cars, however. Jim,
CommentsRene, Cool site. My buddy had a butternut yellow 66 impala...sold it like a big dummy. I have a 1967 Impala SS...I love these big cars. check out my website when you get a chance...it's for the car enthusiast. carmanss http://mywebpages.comcast.net/carmanss
CommentsCan anyone tell me what motor this is. These are the numbers i took off the block 41653141779T1214E1
CommentsCorrection, numbers are: 4153141779 T1214E1
CommentsThanks for all the comments. I actually gave up on this car and sold it. ***RENE***
Commentspiece of crap car
CommentsNice Impala. I still think mines is better though it's a 1965 Impala SS with a rare 396 engine
CommentsWho is Jimmy in Littleton Colorado that is parting out the 66 and do you know if he has a phone # or Email I can get a hold of him cause I need some parts and I am also in Colorado? My name is Mike and my Email is Mchavez@TomBrown.com
CommentsWho is Jimmy in Littleton Colorado that is parting out the 66 and do you know if he has a phone # or Email I can get a hold of him cause I need some parts and I am also in Colorado? My name is Mike and my Email is Mchavez@TomBrown.com
CommentsSir: Did or does your car have a white painted roof or a Beige Vinyl roof? Never saw that combination on a 66 Impala. Roland
Commentsis gay . |