Since I was 18, I always wanted a metallic blue IROC. So in 1992 I traded some cash and my Kawasaki EX500 motorcycle for this 1987 IROC with less than 20,000 miles on it. Unfortunately
due to some moron that ran a stop sign, this car only lasted two months in my possession.

click on pic to see the Wreck
This car was a 1988 IROC. It was beautiful, every inch was customized from the paint to the Stereo system. I had purchased it in 1993 for $5000, from someone who needed money.
I kept this car for two years and put 2000 miles on it during the period which I owned it. I
sold it for $8,000 in 1995. I miss this car, It
would probably still be worth $8,000 today due to the immaculate condition that it was in.